Slither - snake game
Slither is yet another conversion of the orginal game titled Snake,
there have been plenty of these made already and here is yet another
one to tickle our tastebuds as a certain computer game tv program
presenter would say (prizes for the first to guess who it is :) )
The idea of slither, as if you didn't already know is to eat the
blobs to get bigger and so to proceed to the next level. With slither
it is slightly different and you for some strange reason have to eat
coins, I mean when was the last time you heard of a snake that could
eat coins?!? Anyway thats the idea and thats what you've got to do
although i'm sure if a snake really eat coins it'd choke and die ;)
Maybe it is just me being slightly bored of snake conversions after
playing at least 1000+ in my lifetime but slither isn't a very good
version of Snake. The background is a nice digitised picture of a
snake but this really distracts you from the game and can sometimes
put you off, come on if you had a snake looking at you all day wouldn't
you be a bit put off?... well maybe not but i was! The music is good
but thats about it, the snake is poorly drawn and is just a green
shape with a wiggly line down the middle and two black eyes. The game
is to hard to play and you can never seem to eat the coins. Overall
this has got 57 levels and its only a demo but after about the first
I gave in.
Overall i'd say miss this one out, if your a snake addict get hold
of it but other than that don't waste your money.
Available from:
Archived name : Slither.lha
Graphics : 76%
Sound : 81%
Playability : 85%
Lastability : 73%
Overall : 79%
Reviewed by : Chris Seward
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